Monday, February 23, 2009

LEAP FROG!!!!!!!

i met this native girl, so i decided to teach her leap frog.... the whole language barrier was difficult, cus she didn't grasp the concept, i jump over you... you jummp over me! so... it was kind of one sided!

at the end of the day... it was sweet, Chief Little Left Toe ( he was half french) let me have a horse to mosey on home with! i will forever be in his debt! Now... if i could only figure out how to get this thing to move......


Anonymous said...

Brian, I did not realize it was you. You are looking quite hansome. How large will your noggin be in 6 weeks?? It looks like you are having a blast. I am to short and fat to get over the poor girl.

USAFBayley said...

well, after the surgery, i will be swollen a bit, but it should return to its bald shiney self in no time! heheh :)